Behind the counter they look nervous
But...carry on cuttin' the finest cuts of chicken from the big spinnin' stick
Then over flies a chick, flips, snips you on the back
You spin round on the attack, you play now

Geezers need excitement The Streets

This is a fantastic kebab spice mix. I lifted almost totally from The Copenhagen Kitchen. It’s not just for meat either, use with roasting root veg, or sprinkled over a poached egg on avocado - brings a deep sweet smokey sensation to lots of meals.

* 2 tablespoons of ground cumin
* 1 tablespoon of ground coriander
* 1 tablespoon of paprika (use smoked paprika if you can)
* 1 tsp of ground cloves
* 1 tsp of cinnamon
* 1 tsp of cayenne pepper
* 1 tsp of turmeric
* 1 tsp of black pepper
* 0.5 tsp of ginger


  • Mix and store in a jar.