I feel like poached eggs are the sirloin steak of egg servings. It is as simple a method as there is, the eggs speak for themselves and you can have them cooked to your own liking an hardness - obviously cooked white, runny yolk is optimal!

Like steak, because it is so simple the quality if the eggs really matters. Ideally you want something with a vibrant oragne yoke that will just burst open when you touch it, spreading a delicious sticky goo over the rest of the dish.

Also like steak, everyone has a way to cook poached eggs. I don’t pretend for a second that this is the final word, but it works for me.

Poached eggs turn up in a lot of the breakfast dishes here. If its your first time poaching I’d say just go with the egg on one of the fodmap friendly breads or crumpets. If the egg is good all you need is salt and pepper to have a perfect, clean, simple breakfast.

1 egg
500 ml water
50 ml white wine vinegar
  • Heat the water in a flat bottomed saucepan over high heat.
  • When just on the edge of boiling, reduce the heat to low/medium and keep the water just below boiling.
  • Add the vinegar.
  • Crack the egg into a teacup.
  • Using a spoon stir the water around in circles until you form a whirlpool.
  • Pour the egg from the cup into the whirlpool.
  • Cook for approximately 4 minutes (this varies depending on egg size, keep an eye on it, if it starts to float upwards it is done).